
Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Error: Vmplayer, NO Disk, There is no disk in the drive. Please insert a disk into drive \Device\Harddisk2\DR4.

One Day I get this error, when I just open the Vmware player, Kept popping up this error when I click the VMs.

Then I run a diskpart from the cmd shell, then call “list disk” it will show all the hard disks and their sizes
the disk2 is a weird Disk, Size is 0B.

then checked all my hard disk, I plugged my phone into the USB port. unplug the cable, the disk 2 is gone.

the error of NO disk was fixed too.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

How to: Install and Test apache mahout on hadoop

Mahout and Hadoop are all java libraries basically, mahout use the Maven tool to build the source code and maintain the dependency.
So we need make sure we have the following bits ready.

  • JDK
  • Maven
  • Hadoop
  • Mahout


I will start from the fresh centos, then get all those stuff ready step by step.

install JDK.
GO to Oracle JDK download site,, I still prefer the Java 6 instead of 7, pickup one the .bin link, download and run it directly. I will put the java under /usr/lib/jdk6 folder.
Export the bin directory to PATH, and jdk6 to JAVA_HOME environment variable.

Install MAVEN
Download the binary package from, here I chose the 2.2.1 version which is more stable. 

Extract the zip file, and link it to /usr/lib/maven, then.
Export /usr/lib/maven to the PATH. now, you can run mvn –version, to make sure it works at least we can get the version,
For settings like proxy, check it out here,

Install HADOOP.
you can check this out, if you want to install hadoop as a fully distributd mode, How to: install and config hadoop to run in fully distributed Mode, Centos.

here we just have one vm, so keep it easy for the mahout testing. I will use the Cloudera distribution,

Download the repo file for centos 5, and copy it to yum repo directory.
imageNow just search hadoop, you will see all the components,we will use the hadoop-0.20-conf-pseudo one.
yum install  hadoop-0.20-conf-pseudo


once done, go to /usr/lib/hadoop/conf directory, change the java home to /usr/lib/jdk6 in


Then run as hdfs, format the namenode,

then start those daemons like /etc/init.d/hadoop-*, run JPS, you should see all the java process there,

now we can run a simple test, go the /usr/lib/hadoop, run

we can just copy one file there,
open a browser, go to http://localhost:50070, you can see the file we just uploaded is there,
Now , HDFS is ready. we can run a mapreduce job to make sure hadoop is ready.

If no error, we are all set, hadoop is ready.

Install Mahout.

Download one source code, you can use svn to clone one trunk copy,

svn co

and copy this code to /usr/lib/mahout

then run mvn install –DskipTests to compile the source, mvn will figure out the dependency and fetch those jars for you automatically,


it takes time to download all the jar, mileage depends.

Here is my MPG, take several minutes,


Now, export /usr/lib/mahout/bin to PATH , then we can run mahout from the shell.

If you cant exectute the mahout, give it one execute permission.

run mahout, will list all the options to go with different algorithms.


Then go the examples folder, run mvn compile


Now, you can run some example like the one to classify the news groups.


Here we didn’t sepecify the HADOOP_HOME, so it will run locally. the shell script will download data, prepare the data, then run the classifier.


when done, it will show the confusion matrix against the testing data.


Monday, November 14, 2011

How to: recover the Root password for Centos

You may forget the Root password which is hard to believe, but it does happen everyday. here is the tips to recover the root password for Centos.  bad day, no way to get root access.


Now, restart the VM and boot to the geekmode.  by press any key, or CTL+X to the grub mode.

Now, Press ‘e’ to edit the command line. we need tell the kernal boot from graphics mode to single user mode
user arrow key up/down to select the kernal line,

Press e, to edit the command line, you will see the follow screen,
Now, it is on the grphics mode, rhgb=red hat graphical boot

Let’s change it to single user mode, by replacing the rhgb quiet.

after, image

Press enter to switch the parent screen. then press b to boot the single mode kernel, you can tell linux single is there
Once Done, you are in single user mode.
remember the password this time, no typo please. Winking smile