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Monday, October 24, 2016
How to test pacemaker to create a Virtual IP for LB purpose for 3 nodes
sometimes, you need have more than one LBs for HA purpose. and we always want to have one floatip virual IP cross all LB nodes. and we can ...
Wednesday, August 10, 2016
How to locate Magento credit card leakge
Just got a chance to help locate the leaking issues of a customer who got complaints from customer about credit card leak after made purchas...
Sunday, July 31, 2016
Group All established connections by target IP
here is a very common case that you want to check whether you have even connection for a distributed system on the server side. or whether t...
1 comment:
Tuesday, May 17, 2016
Spark window function, failure: ``union'' expected but `(' found
this a very weird error when I try to run a simple window ranking, all looks good from the syntax perspective. team=[( "Lakers" ,...
How to Run Spark testing application in your fav Python IDE
Here is a quick step to run and test your spark application using python IDE, essentially, we need load the dependency module. setup the env...
Tuesday, December 15, 2015
How to: test ElasticSearch geoLocation support
Here is a quick tutorial to setup ES 2.1 and index some earthquake data by using the REST api. and then do by query by assign the POI withi...
Thursday, May 21, 2015
Http 1.1 Chunked transfer.
If you inspect the http response with some zipped resources, you may find 2 things. I assure we are on HTTP 1.1. there is no content-length ...
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