here is a quick tutorial to setup hbase instance and hook up with a basic coprocessor.
Download the tar file and unzip it from
Change the Hbase-site.xml, point the hbase.rootdir to the local folder, by default Hbase will load the default one embedded in the hbase-x.jar, and default setting is local temp folder,
change it to a folder you fell comfortable,
also change the hbase.temp.dir to a well know folder, you can see all the underlying folder it used,
My final change,
![image image](
then you can start the hbase server ./bin/
check the port it listened, should be a port called 60030
then you can go the http://ip:60030 to see the hbase console of the given region. and 60010 for the hbase master
![image image](
![image image](
then create a table and put a record
![image image](
check the folder
![image image](
Now let’s write a basic java program to read the data in hbase.
Create a new maven project by clicking the eclipse wizard,
Click the pom.xml, right click to add one dependency hbase.
![image_thumb[3] image_thumb[3]](
Simple Query in another server, make sure the zookeeper ip and host name are accessible from client machine,
![image image](
for the coprocessor, they are bascailly observers in 3 levels.
Master level, you can hookup with all the DDL like create table,update column,etc (check BaseMasterObserver)
and DML level in the region servers,
![image image](
And WAL level, all changes going to WAL, basically you can see all the changes. you can even reject the change
I will put the WALobserver as a example, just dump out any changes to the cluseter, we can send the changeset to another server do secondary indexing, or for logging /auditing purpose.
![image image](
compile and package it to a jar file,then copy to the hbase lib folder, or any folder which is in the HBASE_CLASSPATH
then change hbase-site.xml, point to our WALobserver
![image image](
then restart the instance, from the region server, you can see our WAL is loaded,
![image image](
then make some changes to the data,
from the log, you should see our logging , data changes captured here
![image image](
Please note the WALobserver runs in the same JVM of the hbase, make sure not fail safe and no huge extra performance hit.