If you are using windows and Mac ( a dual boot on a macbook), you may have noticed that time setup is always inconsistent between the two OSs. for me , always a 8 Hours difference. Why? that’s because Mac/Windows use different internal format to record the current time. UTC vs Local time (Pacific time for me, that explains the 8 hours difference.)
Here is the step to override the windows setting and make sure it use the UTC format as Mac does.
- Starup windows and setup the registry
- launch “Regedit.exe”
- open the rg key ”
- Create a new key called
(case-sensitive!, Type is REG_DWORD), set up value to 1 - for windows X64 version, Create an extra new key called
(case-sensitive!, Type is REG_QWORD), set up value to 1
- shutdown windows and switching back to MAC
- correct your time settings
- Done. the two OS time should keep sync then
Some reference,
Criticism of Microsoft Windows Clock management
How to Modify windows registry
Turn of the annoying startup sound of macbook
It will be Ideal if you see this in the system preference panel.
thanks to ARCANA, there is one 3rd party add-in that enable you do this.
basicaly, download and install this bits from http://www5e.biglobe.ne.jp/~arcana/software.en.html#StartupSound , Make sure always download the latest version.
once installed, when open system preference, you will be able to see the startup sound panel. then enjoy the setting! No more annoying startup sound.