Wednesday, February 16, 2011

How to : setup SSH authentication over keys, hadoop installation

When you install hadoop, you will required to create one user hadoop with group hadoop. and setup the SSH keys that it can login to the server without enter a password.

#Create one group hadoop
groupadd hadoop
#create one user hadoop, create home directory
useradd –g hadoop –-create-home hadoop
#login as hadoop
su – hadoop
#generate ssh public/private keys
ssh-keygen –t rsa –P ‘’
# cp the public key to authorized_keys
cat .ssh/  >> .ssh/authorized_keys
if you want to enable hadopp to access another server without login using ssh,
cat the  .put key to the server authorized_keys files
#remember to setup the permission on the authorized_keys , that only owner can read/write, 600 permission, if you missed this step, you will be asked for password, even you setup the pub key to be trusted.
chmod 600 .ssh/authorized_keys
Now, you can login to localhost without password

whole steps as captured.

More Hadoop Blogs

  1. How to: create a hadoop map/reduce job tutorial
  2. How to: install and config hadoop to run in fully distributed Mode, Centos
  3. How to : setup SSH authentication over keys, hadoop installation

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